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Welcome to


Support, advocacy and education for people affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long Covid in Canterbury and West Coast

What's happening?

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Upcoming Events

We host a range of different events around our region, both online and in-person. Sometimes we invite expert speakers, other times we may have a topic for discussion. 

Every meeting is an opportunity to share information and to connect with other people who understand life with a chronic illness.

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How we help

Our services are available to people living with ME/CFS and Long Covid who live in Canterbury and the West Coast, and also to their whānau.


We operate a Registered Nurse Service to provide support with diagnosis and management, a Volunteer Outreach Service to provide limited practical help, plus more.

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We share news relevant to our ME/CFS community and the people who support them.


This may include latest research and management guidance, updates about our organisation, and news about other services and aids that may help to improve quality of life.

Who are we?

We are a community health and clinical service organisation for people affected by the debilitating illness ME/CFS

(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and Long Covid.


We exist to improve the wellbeing of people and whānau affected by ME/CFS in Canterbury and the West Coast by providing information, validation, clinical support, connection, practical support and advocacy.


We also provide education and support to health professionals and the wider community to improve the quality of care available for those affected by ME/CFS.

South Island regional boundary map




~ 0.4%

Year Established

People with ME

in Canterbury 

People with ME

in West Coast

*Conservative estimate of 4 people in 1000 have ME/CFS pre Covid-19

A slide introduction to ME/CFS

DISCLAIMER: MECFS Canterbury does not provide recommendations for any treatments for your particular situation on this website. Any advice, either explicit or implied, is not intended to replace the qualified medical advice that is necessary for each individual. Please discuss any lifestyle and treatment changes with your doctor first. MECFS Canterbury does not accept any responsibility for any treatment undertaken by readers of any content or for any error or omission in connection with an article or content published on this website.

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