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Resources and Links

Take your time going through this information list.  Just read or visit the content that is of interest to you.  


We only share the best clinically accepted and verified guidelines and information for ME/CFS and Long Covid. 

Be aware that a lot of content online or in books is not evidence-based, and that more research is needed to fully understand the causes and best treatments for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  What helps one person, will not necessarily help someone else. 


Please refer to our ‘Living with ME/CFS’ content for practical advice on pacing and supports that may make a difference to your wellbeing and quality of life.  

For Patients and Whanau

For Long Covid

For Young People

For Health Professionals

For Parents

Connecting online with others

For Patients and Whānau


Subscribe to our channel!

Te Whatu Ora has provided online information about ME/CFS on HealthInfo. 

The ‘What is ME/CFS?’ video from the Bateman Horne Center (ME/CFS specialist centre), USA, is under 6 minutes long and provides a basic introduction into the IOM 2015 diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS. It is intended as education for medical providers but is also a good introduction for patients and the public.   

M.E. Awareness NZ has curated a list of resources for people affected by ME/CFS 

Join ANZMES, the national advisory and support organisation for ME/CFS in New Zealand, to support their advocacy efforts.  

The Unrest film tells the story of Jennifer Brea and others and what ME/CFS looks like behind the scenes. It also includes a history of the disease including contributions from Dr Nancy Klimas and Dr Ron Davis.  

Our Youtube channel has a range of recorded presentations on a variety of topics from past education meetings. E.g. Gut Health, Orthostatic Intolerance. 

For Long COVID

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The Long Covid Support Tool, published by ME Support – NZ, is an excellent series of videos and resources. Useful for people with ME/CFS as well.  

Long Covid Support Aotearoa provides information and community.  

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For Parents

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Listening to Families, who are based in Christchurch, have produced a series of short videos designed to support and answer questions for families exploring a diagnosis of ME/CFS and management for their child or teenager. 80 minutes in total, with 19 videos from 1 to 8 minutes long, covering a range of relevant topics. 

For Young People

ME Support, based in Auckland, facilitate a free online Discord community for teens living with ME/CFS. Our nurses can refer you.  


Connecting online with others

Join our online community in our private Facebook group for people affected by ME/CFS or similar illness who live in the Canterbury or the West Coast of New Zealand.    

Join the national online community facilitated by ME Support – NZ, who are based in Auckland.  

If you have severe ME/CFS, join the international online community  

For Health Professionals

  • Refer to your HealthPathways for regional clinical advice for ME/CFS. 


  • M.E. Awareness NZ has curated a list of information and resources for health professionals, including Continuing Medical Education that is endorsed by RNZCGP. 


  • NICE in the UK published updated guidelines for ME/CFS in 2021.  


  • CDC in the USA maintains advice and handouts about ME/CFS.  



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