24 Oct 2021
Tom Harris, a member of MECFS Canterbury, writes for The Spinoff and asks ‘If you get long Covid, who’s going to help?’
Tom Harris, a member of MECFS Canterbury, writes for The Spinoff and asks who will provide funding and care for people with long Covid.
Tom shares his experience at being a longhauler – he has ME/CFS, a multi-system neuroimmune disease that is similar to long Covid.
He notes that he recently used the MECFS Canterbury nurse service and says it was "the first time in eight years of post-viral illness that I spoke with a medical professional fluent in its [ME/CFS] management."
Tom continues "While I have had several very good GPs, the quirks of these illnesses benefit immensely from familiarity and expertise."
He suggests that the support he has found may well be the best model for people with long Covid. But that support needs to be funded."
Read Tom's article on The Spinoff: https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/25-10-2022/if-you-get-long-covid-whos-going-to-help