10 Sept 2020
Announcing updated information about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the Healthinfo site for people living in Canterbury.
This provides clear, reputable guidance from the CDHB about ME/CFS that will raise understanding and awareness.
Announced today! Updated information about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the Healthinfo site for people living in Canterbury.
MECFS Canterbury was proud to assist the CDHB with the update of this info.
The content on HealthInfo provides clear, reputable information that people with ME/CFS can refer to for themselves, and also share with their friends, whānau and workplaces to raise awareness and understanding.
It reflects the content on the HealthPathways platform and outlines the symptoms of ME/CFS, diagnosis method, self-care suggestions, treatments, and other supports available.
To view, visit: www.healthinfo.org.nz/Chronic-fatigue-syndrome-CFS.htm
Alternatively, view the Home page of the Healthinfo site at www.healthinfo.org.nz and use the search box at the top right to find the 'ME/CFS' topics.
"HealthInfo is a health information website for the general public, funded by the Canterbury District Health Board. The information on HealthInfo is specific to Canterbury, New Zealand. It's written and approved by local ... healthcare professionals."
"The website has a mix of health information, including factsheets on different topics and descriptions of local health services and support organisations. It also has links to recommended websites for further reading and research."
"When you read information on HealthInfo, you can feel confident that this is the information your medical professional wants you to read."