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  • Article in The Spinoff discussing support needed for people with long Covid | MECFS Canterbury

    < Back Article in The Spinoff discussing support needed for people with long Covid ​ 24 Oct 2021 Tom Harris, a member of MECFS Canterbury, writes for The Spinoff and asks ‘If you get long Covid, who’s going to help?’ Tom Harris, a member of MECFS Canterbury, writes for The Spinoff and asks who will provide funding and care for people with long Covid. Tom shares his experience at being a longhauler – he has ME/CFS, a multi-system neuroimmune disease that is similar to long Covid. He notes that he recently used the MECFS Canterbury nurse service and says it was "the first time in eight years of post-viral illness that I spoke with a medical professional fluent in its [ME/CFS] management." Tom continues "While I have had several very good GPs, the quirks of these illnesses benefit immensely from familiarity and expertise." He suggests that the support he has found may well be the best model for people with long Covid. But that support needs to be funded." Read Tom's article on The Spinoff: Previous Next

  • New public guidance from CDHB on ME/CFS | MECFS Canterbury

    < Back New public guidance from CDHB on ME/CFS ​ 10 Sept 2020 Announcing updated information about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the Healthinfo site for people living in Canterbury. This provides clear, reputable guidance from the CDHB about ME/CFS that will raise understanding and awareness. Announced today! Updated information about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the Healthinfo site for people living in Canterbury. MECFS Canterbury was proud to assist the CDHB with the update of this info. The content on HealthInfo provides clear, reputable information that people with ME/CFS can refer to for themselves, and also share with their friends, whānau and workplaces to raise awareness and understanding. It reflects the content on the HealthPathways platform and outlines the symptoms of ME/CFS, diagnosis method, self-care suggestions, treatments, and other supports available. To view, visit: Alternatively, view the Home page of the Healthinfo site at and use the search box at the top right to find the 'ME/CFS' topics. "HealthInfo is a health information website for the general public, funded by the Canterbury District Health Board. The information on HealthInfo is specific to Canterbury, New Zealand. It's written and approved by local ... healthcare professionals." "The website has a mix of health information, including factsheets on different topics and descriptions of local health services and support organisations. It also has links to recommended websites for further reading and research." "When you read information on HealthInfo, you can feel confident that this is the information your medical professional wants you to read." Previous Next

  • NICE releases new guidance for ME/CFS | MECFS Canterbury

    < Back NICE releases new guidance for ME/CFS ​ 28 Oct 2021 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, UK) has today, Friday 29 October 2021, published the guideline for ME/CFS: diagnosis and management, after a robust 3 year review process. New NICE guideline creates hope - a paradigm shift in the care of people with #MEcfs Extracts from the Science for ME press release... "The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, UK) has today, Friday 29 October 2021, published the guideline for #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/ #chronicfatiguesyndrome: diagnosis and management." "The guideline replaces the existing clinical guideline published in 2007 and aims to improve awareness and understanding about ME/CFS, provide guidance on when to suspect it (to enable earlier diagnosis), and includes recommendations on access to care, symptom management and care planning." "NICE staff and the members of the guideline committee have worked for over three years to carefully examine the evidence... The guideline is a publication of international significance, providing an example of good practice that will influence ME/CFS care around the world." - Including here in New Zealand. "The guideline makes it clear that graded exercise therapy (GET) should no longer be offered to people with ME/CFS, and that both cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and therapies based on physical activity are not curative. This is based on a review of the evidence, which rated the outcomes for studies of these interventions all of low or very low quality. This is a welcome and significant, evidence based change in approach from the 2007 ME/CFS guideline, in which CBT and GET were central to treatment. Link to the new NICE guidelines: Previous Next

  • New Guidance on ME/CFS for Canterbury GPs | MECFS Canterbury

    < Back New Guidance on ME/CFS for Canterbury GPs ​ 6 Dec 2019 Canterbury District Health Board's diagnostic and management information for ME/CFS has now been updated with input from MECFS Canterbury. This provides GPs in the region with evidence-based guidance and best practice. MECFS Canterbury is excited to announce that the new CDHB (Canterbury District Health Board – now Te Whatu Ora Waitaha ) HealthPathway for ME/CFS is live - as of Friday, 29th November 2019! We have been working with the CDHB team over the last year on getting the content improved. 'HealthPathways' is a website that GPs log into to view best-practice advice for assessing and managing a wide range of health conditions and concerns. Each region /DHB has their own ‘copy’ of the system content, but the base content is provided by Canterbury. The old 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' Pathway has been completely rewritten. The new content is largely based on the information on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site, as this is the most up-to-date and informative of the government sites around the world. (Check out if you haven’t already.) The new ‘Chronic Fatigue’ Pathway will help GPs to assess someone more thoroughly to confirm if they have ME/CFS, idiopathic chronic fatigue or perhaps other conditions that may have different treatment options. It also guides them to support people to manage their activity carefully. We have prepared a letter about this new information for you to take to your GP, next time you visit. We want GPs to know about the new HealthPathway so that they can support you better.” Letter re new CFS HealthPathway .pdf Download PDF • 129KB Previous Next

  • Online Community | MECFS Canterbury

    Online Community We invite people affected by ME/CFS and Long COVID throughout the South Island to join our peer support group on Facebook to share information and experiences, and to support each other. We welcome both formal members of MECFS Canterbury and non-members to join the community there. You will be asked several questions prior to joining, including your commitment to adhering to our Rules for the Facebook Group – we want to provide a safe place for everyone in our regional ME/CFS community. CLICK TO JOIN THE COMMUNITY

  • Go Solar | MECFS Canterbury

    Go Solar Thinking of installing solar at your place? Check out what SolarZeroNZ offers - using the referral code Y5UJTO. If you then decide to start powering your home with sunshine through SolarZero, a donation* will be made to MECFS Canterbury. ​ FIND OUT MORE ABOUT SOLARZERO *How the donations work: A referral fee is paid to the original Solar City customer linked to the referral code Y5UJTO, and that customer will donate the full referral fee to MECFS Canterbury.

  • Our Vision and Mission | MECFS Canterbury

    Our Kaupapa Our Vision – Tā Mātou Aronga That every person with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in Canterbury and the West Coast lives the best quality of life possible Our Mission – Tā Mātou Whainga To improve the wellbeing of people, families and carers affected by ME/CFS by providing information, validation, clinical support, connection, practical support and advocacy. To improve the quality of care available for those affected by ME/CFS by providing education, direction, and support to health professionals and the wider community. Our Values - Ā Mātou Uaratanga Compassion We show compassion to every person affected by ME/CFS, including family and whānau. Respect We foster partnerships based on mutual trust, treat every person with dignity and always maintain confidentiality. Equity We are committed to removing health inequities and barriers. Patient-centred We support our community with services and information based on evidence and experience, assisting each individual to design supports & management protocols that work for them. Collaboration We work together constructively and creatively recognising each other's strengths, and those of other organisations, to get the best outcomes for our community. We acknowledge Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a founding document in New Zealand and demonstrate a commitment and special obligation to its principles.

  • Severity | MECFS Canterbury

    Spectrum of Severity ME is a Spectrum Disorder from MILD to VERY SEVERE. The level of symptoms and severity experienced by each person with ME/CFS is unique and may fluctuate over time. ​ Historically, four general terms are used to categorise the wide spectrum of disease severity and functional impairment seen in ME/CFS. It’s worth noting that a ‘Mild’ level of severity may be close to a 50% reduction in functionality – certainly not a ‘mild’ impact for the person living with it. Mild Mobile and able to self-care. May be working or attending school, but often with accommodations and by reducing other domestic and social activities. Severe Mostly homebound. Limited activities of daily living (e.g., self-care, showering, dressing). Severe cognitive difficulties. May be wheelchair dependent. Moderate Reduced mobility and restricted activities of daily living. Requires frequent rest periods and typically not working or attending school. Very Severe Bedbound. Unable to carry out most activities of daily living for themselves. Often extreme sensory sensitivity to light, sound, touch, etc. May need total care Quality of Life ME/CFS is a disabling illness that affects daily life. Studies that look at the Health-Related Quality of Life index (HRQoL) consider five dimensions: ​ Mobility Self-care Usual activities Pain/discomfort Anxiety/depression ​ ​ Results of studies for people with ME/CFS confirm a significantly lower quality of life than the population mean and the lowest of all the compared conditions. ME/CFS – 0.47 Depression - 0.62 Multiple Sclerosis – 0.67 Breast Cancer – 0.75 General Population – 0.85 ​ ​ Link PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE

  • What is ME/CFS | MECFS Canterbury

    What is ME/CFS? Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a serious long-term, complex, multi-system illness. It affects people’s ability to do everyday tasks. ​ Researchers have found that people with ME/CFS have: an abnormal physiological response to activity, altered immune function, impaired energy production, and changes in gut bacteria. People with ME/CFS experience a range of symptoms and these can be worsened by any kind of effort or activity. ​ ME/CFS affects people of all ages, ethnicities, and genders. ​ Conservatively, it is estimated that there are more than 20,000 people affected in New Zealand (4 in 1,000). We estimate that there are at least 2,661 people in Canterbury with ME/CFS, including 362 children and young people. This number will grow as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. How do I say Myalgic Encephalomyelitis? It helps to break it up into small syllables… My–al-gic En–ceph–a–lo–myel–i-tis Possible Causes The causes and the specific pathologies of ME/CFS are not yet understood – there just hasn’t been enough research done. ME/CFS most often starts after an infectious illness such as glandular fever or Covid-19. Other factors may also be involved for some people: family genetics, environmental toxins, physical trauma (such as a car accident or surgery), and stress (physical, mental or emotional). Some people develop ME/CFS gradually. For others, it develops suddenly after the triggering event. Diagnostic Criteria (IOM 2015) Three primary symptoms are required for diagnosis : Greatly lowered ability to do activities that were usual before the illness: This drop in activity level occurs along with fatigue and must last six months or longer (3 months in children). Worsening of symptoms after physical or mental activity that would not have caused a problem before the illness: This is known as Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM). PEM is often delayed, typically happening 24-48 hours after exertion. Some people describe PEM as feeling like they have the flu. People may be house-bound or even completely bed-bound, especially during PEM. Sleep disturbance: People with ME/CFS do not feel refreshed after a full night’s sleep. At times, people with ME/CFS may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, may sleep for over 12 hours a day or need daytime naps, or may have a delayed sleep onset . In addition, at least one of the following symptoms are required : Problems with cognition: Most people with ME/CFS have trouble thinking quickly and concentrating for periods of time compared to prior to illness onset; there may be trouble finding words or slurring of speech, particularly during PEM. Orthostatic Intolerance: This is a worsening of symptoms while standing or sitting upright: This includes feeling lightheaded, dizzy, weak, or faint. There may be vision changes like blurring or seeing spots. GETTING DIAGNOSED Additional Symptoms Other common symptoms : These may be presen t but are not diagnostic. Chronic pain or fibromyalgia Tender lymph nodes in the neck or armpits Digestive issues like nausea, heartburn, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain Muscle pain and aches and rapid muscle tiring Joint pain without swelling or redness Headaches, either new or worsening Nerve pain, felt as stabbing, burning, tingling, pins and needles A sore throat that happens often Chills and night sweats Allergies and sensitivities to foods and medications Sensitivity to chemicals, odours, light, noise, and other sensory inputs Comorbid Conditions It is not uncommon for people with ME/CFS to have other overlapping health conditions, including: Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), allergies and chemical sensitivities, and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE

  • Volunteer | MECFS Canterbury

    Volunteer Our volunteer team makes a huge difference to the support and services that we can offer people impacted by ME/CFS. We have volunteers who visit clients to provide practical supports such as housework and gardening tasks, walking dogs, assisting with filling forms and IT issues. Other people write articles for our newsletter or assist with our events and services in other ways. ​ To sign up as a volunteer: We often have specific vacancies listed on the Volunteer Canterbury website for you to browse through. VIEW OUR VOLUNTEER VACANCIES ON VOLCAN Alternatively, please fill out our ‘Volunteer Expression of Interest’ form. We will be able to match you with people in need based on your location and the tasks you are willing to help with. FILL OUT OUR VOLUNTEER FORM For existing volunteers: After each client visit, please use the Outreach Event Form linked to below, to let us know what support was provided and when. There is also space to indicate future plans and to provide feedback. Remember to bookmark the website address so it can be found easily after each visit. ​ Thank you for being involved in such a practical way with our community! COMPLETE OUTREACH EVENT FORM

  • Intervention Fund | MECFS Canterbury

    Intervention Fund We operate a small semi-urgent Intervention Fund to support members in times of escalated need when they have no way to cover a critical cost themselves or from elsewhere. The support provided varies and may cover a voucher for food, one-off cleaning prior to a house inspection, an initial appointment with a counsellor, or the fee for a visit to GP or other health professional. We may not have funding to consider all requests, but please do enquire. We may be able to find some other way to cover the cost, if we cannot do so ourselves. ​ To access this service: If you are already working with one of our Nurses or Advocates, please get in touch with them and explain what your needs are. They will explore options with you and then, if necessary, refer your situation to the Manager for consideration. ​ Alternatively, members are invited to email the office directly to request support. CONTACT US

  • Privacy | MECFS Canterbury

    Privacy notice for MECFS Canterbury MECFS Canterbury complies with the Privacy Act and the Health Information Privacy Code . If you are not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern you raise with us, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner . Collection and Use of Personal Information We may ask you to provide and collect personal information from you, including the following information: Name, Age, Ethnicity Contact information Interactions with us Membership status Survey responses (not linked to personal information) Consent agreements for services Health details Clinical notes and support activity We collect your personal information in order to: Stay in touch and inform you about our activities. Provide statistical summarised information to our funding providers. Provide support and services to you, and to respond to feedback and queries. With your permission, we may share relevant health information with other healthcare professionals in a confidential manner, with the aim of improving the support you receive from your healthcare team. Providing some information is optional. If you choose not to provide contact details and information about your health, we may not be able to provide you with expected services. We keep your information safe by storing it securely (password-protected electronic storage and databases) and allowing only those authorised to see it. Paper based records are shredded when no longer needed. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you would like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at , or 03-365-5887. Collection and Use of Website Visit Information Statistical Information We may collect statistical information about your visit to this website to help us improve it. This information is aggregated and doesn’t identify you personally. It includes: Your IP address The search terms you used The pages you visited on our site and the links you clicked on The date and time you visited the site The referring site (if any) from which you clicked through to this site Your operating system, for example Windows XP, Mac OS X The type of web browser you use, such as Edge, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox Other things like your screen resolution and the language setting of your browser. The statistical information referred to above can be viewed by site administrators and certain other staff. It may also be shared with government agencies. Google Analytics We use Google Analytics on our website to track your actions and help us optimise our site for conversions and usability. While we can see data gathered over a timeframe, we do not collect personally identifying information from any source as part of the terms of service of Google Analytics. ​ A condition of our use of Google Analytics is that we make reasonable endeavours to bring to your attention the following statement: ​ This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above. We have implemented Google Analytics demographic and interest reporting based on the Google Display Network in order to provide information about users that is used to optimise our website. Any data collected by Google for the purposes of Google Analytics will be treated according to Google’s Privacy Policy. If you would like to opt-out of being tracked by Google Analytics, then you can do so using the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. Cookies This site generates persistent session cookies (that is, they have an expiry date and are removed on that date) for the purpose of monitoring site usage. The cookies don’t collect personal information. You can disable them or clear them out of your web browser without affecting your ability to use the site.

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